Link Popularity and Your Add URL Page

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the look and feel of your site's
Add URL page?

With all the buzz going on about the importance of a site's link popularity, the "look and feel" of your Add URL page (or whatever you have named your add-a-link page) has taken on an increased importance as well.

During the research phase of creating my "Link Popularity IQ" Web site, I encountered add-a-link pages that spanned the full spectrum of a possible look and feel rating of 1 to 10.

The "Look" of Your Add URL Page

When you are ready to design (or re-design) your site's Add URL page, make sure that the quality of that design is as high as possible. Possible link partners visiting your site's add-a-link page may very well make a snap judgement of the quality of your site based solely on the look of that one page.

Make sure you pay just as much attention to the look of your Add URL page as you do to what you consider the most important pages on your site.

The "Feel" of Your Add URL Page

The feel of your Add URL page is just as important as its look. If the "how to link to us" instructions on your add-a-link page are not 100% clear and easy to understand, your potential link partner may simply go on to the next site on her list of possible partners.

Take the time to create an add-a-link page that contains easy-to-understand instructions on how the link exchange process should be done.

An Example of a Quality Add URL Page

I hope you won't think it pretentious of me for saying that the Add URL page on my site is an example of an add-a-link page that deserves a look and feel rating of 8 to 10.

I invite you to visit my Add URL page and judge for yourself.

A Free Add URL Template

If you like the look and feel of my Add URL page, you are invited to check out my free Add URL Page Template.

Please feel free to use the template as an aid when designing or re-designing your own add-a-link page.


You should strive for a look and feel rating of between 8 and 10 for your own add-a-link page. If you can attain a look and feel rating of 10 for your own Add URL page, so much the better. The extra time you take now to do it right will pay off handsomely in the future for the link popularity of your site.

Bob Hampton

About The Author

Bob designs and builds his own Websites. His most recent site is Link Popularity IQ. He invites you to test your knowledge of link popularity by taking his free Link Popularity IQ Test.